nameOfGod | region | religion |
Abgal | Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akka-1), Desert regions of northern Arabian | Mesopotamian and western Semitic |
Abnoba | Romano-Celtic (Continental European), specifically the forest region of Germany | Romano-Celtic |
Acchupta | India | Jain |
Aditi | Hindu (Vedic) | Hinduism (Vedic and Puranic) |
Aegir | Nordic/Icelandic | Norse mythology |
Aeolus | Nordic | Norse |
Agni | Greco-Roman, Hindu, Aleutian Islands, Mayan | Various - Greco-Roman, Jain, Fon, Hindu, Aleut |
Ahura Mazda | Persian [Iran] | Zoroastrianism |
Ajysyt | Northern coast of Peru | Mochica Indian (pre-Columbian South America) |
Aker | Egyptian | Egyptian |
Alaunus | Continental European (Romano-Celtic) | Romano-Celtic |
Allat | Arabian Peninsula | Pre-Islamic northern Arabian and central Arabian |
Amaterasu | Japan | Shinto |
Ame-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto | Japan | Shinto |
Amitabha | Lamaism [Tibet], Egyptian, Pre-Islamic southern Arabian, Dogon [Mali, West Africa], Dravidian (Tamil), Vajrayana Buddhism | Buddhist, Hindu-Dravidian |
Amun | Egypt | Egyptian |
An | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) | Mesopotamian |
Anat | Canaanite and Phoenician (Israel, Lebanon, Syria) | Canaanite |
Anbay | Pre-Islamic southern Arabian | Not specified |
Ankalamman | Southern India | Hindu-Dravidian (Tamil) |
Anubis | Egyptian | Egyptian |
Anu-Mate | Polynesian | Polynesian |
Aphrodite | Greek Homeric pantheon | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Apollo | Greek | Greek and possibly cultures in Asia Minor |
Aranyani | Hindu (Vedic) | Hindu (Vedic) |
Aray | Armenian, Hindu (Puranic) | Pre-Christian Armenian, Hindu (Puranic) |
Ares | Greek | Greek mythology |
Artemis | Greece and Asia Minor | Greek mythology |
Arundhati | Hindu and Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Astral goddess in Hindu Puranic beliefs, Minor god in Mesopotamian beliefs |
Asěrah | Canaan | Canaanite, Pre-Islamic northern Arabian |
Asklepios | Greek (Beotian) | Greek mythology |
Astarte | Palestine coastal region | Pre-Christian Armenian, Western Semitic, predominantly Phoenician |
Asuras | Hindu (Vedic) | Hinduism |
Aten | Egypt | Egyptian |
Athena | Greek | Greek mythology |
Attar | Western Semitic, Canaanite legend, western Asia | Christianity, possibly Phoenician |
Atua Fafine | Polynesian (Tikopia) | Polynesian (Tikopia) |
Atum | Egypt | Egyptian |
Aya | Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian) | Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian) |
ADITYAS | Egyptian | Egyptian |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Ba | Western Semitic (Canaanite), Chinese, Egyptian | Chinese, Egyptian |
Baal Malage | Western Semitic (Phoenician) | Probably originated in Canaanite culture |
Babi | Egyptian | Egyptian mythology |
Bagba | West African | Animistic spirit |
Balarama | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Baphomet | Medieval Europe | Medieval deity known from the fourteenth century or possibly earlier |
Bastet | Egypt | Egyptian |
Behanzin | Benin, West Africa | African traditional religion |
Bellona | Roman | Roman |
Bes | Northern and central Indian | Hindu |
Bhumidevi | India | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Bhuvanesvari | Hindu | Hindu |
Boldogasszony | Pre-Christian Hungarian | Syncretized with the Virgin Mary after Christianization |
Brahma | Hindu (India) | Hindu |
Brigit | Celtic (Irish) | Pre-Christian Celtic religion, later Christianized as St. Brigit in Ireland |
Buddha | Asia | Buddhist |
Buluc Chabtan | Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) | Mayan and Nordic (Icelandic) |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Cacoch | Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) | Mayan pantheon |
Camulos | Celtic (British) | Celtic (British) |
Candika | Hindu (Epic and Puranic), Taoist (Chinese), Buddhist (Mahayana) | Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist |
Cautha | Etruscan, Mesopotamian, Celtic, Aztec | Etruscan, Mesopotamian, Hindu-Dravidian, Celtic, Aztec |
Cernunnos | Celtic | Celtic, Mayan, Hindu |
Chalchiutlicue | Mesoamerica (Mexico) | Aztec and Mayan |
Charis | Taoist (Chinese), Greek | Taoist, Buddhist |
Chiccan | Mayan (Chorti, classical Mesoameri), Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [eastern Guatemala, Mexico] | Mayan, Aztec |
Chites Vaneg | Mayan (classical Mesoamerican), Aztec cosmogony, Taoist (Chinese) | Mayan, Aztec, Taoist |
Cizin | Mayan (Yucatec and other tribes, classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Mayan |
Colop U Uichkin | South America (Mayan) | Classical Mesoamerican (Mex-Indian, Peru) |
Coventina | Roman fort of Brocolitia | Roman and Celtic |
Cybele | Asia Minor and Rome, but also extensively elsewhere | Phrygian |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Dabog | Mesopotamia, Balkans, Southern Russia | Slavic |
Dagda | Ireland | Celtic mythology |
Danu | Irish, Australian Aboriginal | Celtic (Irish), Australian Aboriginal |
Demeter | Greek | Greek mythology |
Devananda | Sky god. Nuer and Dinka [Sudan] | Hinduism, Jainism |
Dharani | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hindu |
Dhatar | Hindu (Puranic) and Buddhist-Lamaist (Tibet) | Hindu and Buddhist-Lamaist |
Dione | Roman | Roman |
Digambara | Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet], Hindu religion (epithet of Kali), Celtic deities in Ireland, Greek mythology, Shilluk [Sudan], Jain [India] | Buddhist-Lamaist, Hindu, Celtic, Greek, Shilluk, Jain |
Dionysos | Greece | Greek mythology |
Disani | Hindukush | Hindu, Nordic, Germanic, Roman, Celtic |
Donar | Germanic | Germanic mythology |
DUMUZI | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian) | Kassite (Iranian-Akkadian), Equates with the Babylonian-Akkadian god NERGAL |
Durga | Hindu (Puranic) [India] | Hinduism |
Durga | India | Hinduism |
Dzivaguru | southern Africa | Korekore (Shona) |
Decima | Roman times | Roman |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
E Alom | Mayan (Quiche, Guatemalan highlands) | Old Babylonian-Primeval creator goddess |
Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl | Aztec (Mexico) | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
Eileithyia | Greek mythology | Greek |
Elagabal | Syria | Syrian |
Ellil | Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Euphrates) | Akkadian |
Enlil | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) |
Eostre | Anglo-Saxon | Anglo-Saxon |
Epona | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) [Iraq] | Celtic |
Eris | Greek | Greek mythology |
Esˇmun | Western Semitic (Phoenician) | Celtic (Continental European) |
Ehecatl | Aztec Mexico | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Fabulinus | Roman | Roman mythology |
Fe’e | Polynesian | Polytheistic |
Freyja | Nordic region | Nordic (Icelandic) or Germanic |
Freyr | Nordic (Icelandic) or Germanic | Norse mythology |
Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami | Japan | Shinto |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Gabija | Pre-Christian Lithuanian | Pre-Christian Lithuanian |
Ganesa | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) [India] | Hindu |
Ganesa | Hindu | Hindu |
Gauri | Hindu (Vedic and Puranic) | Hindu |
Genius | Roman | Roman |
Giltine | Pre-Christian Lithuanian | Sea god. Roman |
Grannus | Romano-Celtic (Continental Europe) | Romano-Celtic |
Gunabibi | Australian aboriginal | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) |
Gwynn Ap Nudd | Celtic (Welsh) | Celtic (Welsh) |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Hurrian goddess HEBAT | Hurrian | Hurrian and Romano-Celtic |
Hachiman | Japan | Shinto |
Hahana Ku | Greek | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) |
Han Xiang-zi | Taoist (Chinese) | Taoist |
Hapy | Egyptian | Egyptian mythology |
Horus | Egypt | Egyptian |
Harsa | Hindu | Hindu |
Hathor | Egyptian | Egyptian mythology |
Hathor | Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Polynesian | Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Polynesian religions |
Hayasum | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Minor god |
Hebat | Hittite Empire | Hittite Empire religion |
Hekate | Greek, Germanic, Nordic | Classical mythology |
Hephaistos | Greek | Greco-Roman |
Hera | Greek | Greek Mythology |
Hermes | Greek | Greek and Roman |
Hermes | Greek, Roman, Celtic (British), Thracian, Nordic (Icelandic), Egyptian | Polytheistic |
Herysˇaf | Egypt | Egyptian |
Hinglaj(-Mata) | Polynesian, Hindu, Baluchistan, Tungus (Siberian), Shinto (Japan), Vedic | Polynesian, Hindu, Shinto, Nordic |
Hoder | Nordic (Icelandic) | Shinto (Japan) |
Horus | Egypt | Egyptian |
Huaca | Taoist (Chinese) and Inca (pre-Columbian South America) | Taoism and Inca religion |
HUITZILPOCHTLI | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] |
Hun Hunapu | Mayan (Yucatec and Quiche, classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Mayan |
Hyperion | Greek | Greek mythology |
Hun Itzamna | Aztec (classical Mesoamerica) - Yucatan peninsula, Mexico | Aztec |
Huwawa | Mesopotamia | Mesopotamian |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Itzam Na | Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Mayan |
Ialonus | Viking period (circa AD 700) and earlier until Christianization, Continental European | Romano-Celtic, Norse |
Ihoiho | Polynesian Society Islands | Polynesian, Roman-North African |
Immat | Finnish, Afghanistan, Peru | Pre-Christian Finnish, Kafir, Inca, Roman |
Inana | Mesopotamia | Sumerian |
Inana | Mesopotamia | Mesopotamian |
Indra | Hinduism | Vedic and Puranic Hinduism |
Inti | Inca (pre-Columbian South America) | Inca pantheon |
Isis | Egyptian | Meso-Egyptian |
Isis | Egypt | Egyptian |
Ishtar | Near East (Babylonian) | Mesopotamian (Babylonian) |
Iuturna | Roman | Roman and Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) |
Izanagi-No-Kami | Japan | Shinto |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Jagannath | India | Hindu (Puranic) |
Janus | Roman | Buddhist |
Juno | Roman | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Jupiter | Roman world | Roman mythology |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Ka Tyeleo | Senufo (Ivory Coast, West Africa) | Siberian Inuit (eastern Siberia) |
Kagu-Tsuchi-No-Kami | Japan | Shinto |
Kali | India, chiefly in Bengal | Hinduism |
Kalunga | Congo and central Africa | Ndonga (northern Namibia, south-Kaliya) |
Kamadeva | Hindu mythology | Hindu |
Kamo-Wake-Ikazuchi | Japan | Shinto |
Kapalini | Hindu (southern India) | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Katyayani | Nyamwezi [Tanzania, East Africa] | Hindu |
Kebechet | Egyptian, Congo, Central Africa | Egyptian, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ngbandi |
Khnum | Egyptian (Upper) | Egyptian religion |
Ki | Mesopotamian and Greek mythology | Mesopotamian and Greek |
Kore | Greek | Greek mythology |
Krsna | India | Hindu |
Kaliya | Kafir (Afghanistan) | Hindu |
Kuan Yin | China | Taoism, Chinese culture |
Kubera | Hindu (Vedic, Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Kulika | Hindu | Hindu |
Kus | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Bon (pre-Lamaist) [Tibet] |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
LAKA | Hawaii | Hawaiian mythology |
Lachesis | Pre-Homeric Greek | Greek mythology |
Laksmi | India | Hinduism |
Larunda | Sabine | Roman |
LEBIEN-POGIL | Yukaghir (southeastern Siberia) | Ani-Chthonic underworld goddess, Hittite and Hur-mistic ‘owner’ spirit |
Leto | Greece, Tibet, Lycia, Phaistos, Crete | Greek, Taoist, Buddhist-Lamaist |
Lilith | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) |
Lir | Celtic (Irish) | Celtic (Irish) |
Loki | Nordic (Icelandic) | Norse mythology |
Loki | Nordic (Icelandic) | Norse mythology |
Lug | Celtic (Irish) | Celtic |
Luna | Roman | Roman |
Lei Kung | Mayan (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Unknown |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Maat | Egyptian | Egyptian |
Mahabala | Buddhist (Mahayana) | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Mahakali | Hindu | Hinduism |
Mahapratisara | Buddhist | Buddhist |
Mahisasuramardini | Hindu | Hindu (Puranic) |
Maia | Greco-Roman, Basque (Pyrenean region) | Greco-Roman, Basque, Buddhist, Pr-Islamic northern Arabian, Polynesian, Buddhist-Lamaist (Tibet), Pre-Christian Latvian |
Malamangangaifo | Polynesian | Polynesian mythology |
Mandulis | Nubian | Greek |
Manjusri | Buddhist (India) | Buddhist |
Mara | Buddhist, Hindu, Polynesian, Mayan, Dravidian (Tamil), Kafir (Afghanistan) | Buddhist, Hindu, Polynesian, Mayan, Dravidian, Kafir, Mesopotamian (Babylonian), Celtic |
Mars | Roman | Roman |
Matara | Various regions with shrines, including Cirencester, England | Hindu |
Matsya | Hinduism (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Mayin | Siberia | Tungus |
MELQART | Phoenician (Turkey) | Phoenician |
Mercury | Roman mythology | Roman |
Metis | Greek | Greek mythology |
Mi-Kura-Tana-No-Kami | Japan | Shinto |
Min | Egypt | Egyptian |
Mithras | Greco-Roman, Persian [Iran] | Mithraism, under Roman influence |
Miti | Koryak (southeastern Siberia) | Tezcatlipoca (sun god) |
Modimo | Tswana [Botswana, South Africa] | Pre-Christian Slavonic monotheistic deity |
Mon | Kafir | Kafir pantheon |
Morrigan | Celtic (Irish) | Celtic |
Mujaji | Lovedu [South Africa] | Lovedu [South Africa] |
Mukasa | Buganda, Uganda, East Africa | Buganda traditional beliefs |
Muso Koroni | Bambara [Mali, West Africa] | Bambara tradition |
Myoken-Bodhisattva | Dravidian (Tamil), Chinese | Buddhist |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
NA CHA | Chinese culture | Taoist (Chinese) |
Nagual | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) | Animistic water spirits |
Naigameya | Hindu | Hindu and Buddhist |
Nanna | Mesopotamia (Sumerian) | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) |
Nanna | Nordic (Icelandic) | Nordic (Icelandic) |
Narasinha | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Nayenezgani | Navaho (USA) | Navaho |
Nebethetpet | Egypt | Hindu |
Nebo | Western Semitic | Syrio-Palestinian |
Nekhbet | Egyptian (Upper) | Romano-Celtic |
Nephthys | Egypt | Egyptian |
NJORD | Scandinavia | Norse mythology |
Nin Me En | Mesopotamian | Sumerian |
Ninhursag | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) - Iraq | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) |
Nin’insinna | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Mesopotamian mythology |
Nana | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) | Mesopotamian (Sumerian) |
Ninurta | Mesopotamia | Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian |
Njord | Nordic | Norse |
NUT | Egyptian | Egyptian mythology |
Nyakaya | Sudan | Shilluk |
Nzapa | Ngbandi [Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa] | One of the seven children invoked at sunrise each morning |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Obatala | Yoruba [Nigeria, West Africa] | Yoruba |
Ogiuwu | Edo region, Benin City | Yoruba |
Okeanos | Greek mythology | Greek |
Omacatl | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican), Mexico | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
Onuris | Egypt | Roman and Greek |
Osiris | Egypt | Egyptian |
Osiris | Egypt | Ancient Egyptian religion |
Othin | Asgard | Norse Mythology |
Oya | Yoruba (Nigeria, West Africa) and Shinto (Japan) | Yoruba and Shinto |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
PAK TAI | Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) | Aztec |
Pa-bil-sag | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Hinduism |
Paean | Greek and Cretan mythology | Greek mythology |
Palaemon | Greco-Roman | Greco-Roman |
Pancaraksa | Buddhist | Buddhist |
Parcae | Greco-Roman | Greco-Roman |
Parvati | India | Hinduism |
Pavana | Hindu | Hindu |
Persephone | Greek | Greek mythology |
Phanebal | Romano-Celtic | Western Semitic |
Pietas | Roman | Roman and Zapotec-speaking peoples in the Valley of Oaxaca |
Poleramma | Telegu [India], Roman, Greek, Guyanan Indian [South America], Yukaghir [central Siberia] | Telegu, Roman, Greek, Guyanan Indian, Yukaghir |
Poseidon | Greece | Greek mythology |
Prajapati | Hindu (Vedic, Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Prakde | Kafir | Hindu |
Priapus | Greece and Rome | Greek and Roman mythology |
Prthivi | Greek, Roman, Hindu (Vedic), Celtic (Welsh) | Greek, Roman, Hindu (Vedic), Celtic (Welsh) |
Ptah | Egypt | Egyptian |
Purvaphalguni | Hindu (Epic and (Vajrayana) and Lamaist [Tibet]) | Hindu |
Pusya | Hindu (Epic and Chthonic god. Celtic (Welsh) | Hindu, Celtic |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Qa’wadiliquala | Dza’wadeenox Indian [British Columbia, Canada] | Western Semitic, probably also a river deity originating in Syria. |
Quetzalcoatl | Ancient Mesoamerica (Mexico) | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
RADHA | India | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Ryu Jin | Japanese | |
Ran | Nordic (Icelandic) | Buddhist |
Rauni | Finno-Ugrian | Finno-Ugrian mythology |
Resěp | Egypt | Egyptian |
Revati | Hindu (Epic and Minor goddess. Buddhist) | Hindu and Buddhist |
Rongomatane | Polynesia (including Maori) | Polynesian |
Rugievit | Slav | Slavic mythology |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Sa | Unknown | Unknown |
Sakhmet | Egypt | Egyptian (syncretized with MUT) |
Sˇakka(n) | Mesopotamian (Babylonian) | Hindu |
Samba | Northern India | Hindu |
Samvara | nan | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Sanjna | Hindu | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Sarasvati | Hindu (Vedic, Epic, and Puranic) [India] | Hinduism |
Sarasvati | Mesopotamian (Sumerian and Babylonian-Akkadian) | Hindu, Buddhist |
Sarvapayanjaha Sati | India | Buddhist (Mahayana) and Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Saubhagya-Bhuvanesvari | Elephantine | Buddhist |
Senx | Bella Coola Indian [British Columbia, Canada] | Minor mortuary goddess in Egyptian mythology |
Sesˇat | Egypt | Egyptian |
Shango | Yoruba [Nigeria, West Africa] | Yoruba |
Shani | Hindu | Hinduism |
Shomde | Afghanistan and coastal regions of Peru | Kafir Moon god, Chimu Indian (pre-Columbian) |
Siduri | Mesopotamian (Baby-of fire. Ionian-Akkadian) and Nordic (Icelandic) and Germanic | Buddhist, Nordic, Roman, Inuit, Kamchadal |
Sindhu | Hindu (Vedic) | Hindu (Vedic) |
Sita | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) [India] | Hinduism |
SˇIVA | Hindu (India) | Hinduism |
Skanda | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) [India] | Hinduism |
Sokar | Egyptian | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Sol | Roman | Roman mythology |
Sophia | Southeastern Ghana, West Africa | Pre-Christian Armenian |
Sri(devi) | Hindu, Jain, Buddhist-Lamaist | Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism |
Subhamekhala | Buddhist (Mahayana) | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Sukuna-Hikona | Japan | Shinto (Japan) |
Sumiyoshi-No-Kami | Shinto [Japan] | Shinto |
Surya | India | Hindu (Vedic, Epic and Puranic) |
SUSANO-WO | Japan | Shinto |
Svati | Buddhist-Lamaist Tibet | Hindu |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
TAWHIRIMATEA | Polynesian mythology | Polynesian mythology |
Tabiti | Scythian, Roman | Scythian, Roman mythology |
Tajin | Totonac (Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Totonac (Mesoamerican) |
Tam Kung | China | Shinto (Japan) |
Tangaroa | Polynesian (including Maori) | Polynesian |
TAKERE | Enua-Kura, the land of the red parrot | Unknown |
Taru | Hurrian (Anatolian) | Hittite and Hurrian |
Tate Hautse Kupuri | Mesoamerican (Mexico) | Huichol Indian |
Taweret | Egypt | Egyptian mythology |
Ta’xet | Haida Indian, Polynesian (Hervey Islands), Per-Island, Canada | Haida Indian, Polynesian |
Tefnut | Egypt | Egyptian |
Tenanto’mwan | Chukchee (eastern Siberia) | Chukchee mythology |
TESUB | Hittite and Hurrian (Anatolia) [Turkey], Mycenae, Tiryns, Phylakopi, Delos, Hattusas (Boghazköy), Mexico, Taurus region, northern Syrian plain | Hittite, Hurrian, Aztec (classical Mesoamerican), Greek |
Tezcatlipoca | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) | Aztec |
Tezcatlipoca-Itztlacoliuhqui | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Aztec |
Thetis | Greek | Greek mythology |
Tiamat | Mesopotamia | Babylonian-Akkadian |
Tienoltsodi | Navaho (USA) | Navaho |
Tirawa | Pawnee Indian [USA] | Pre-Christian Armenian |
Tiwaz | Siberia, England, Mexico | TEZ-Tuesley, Germanic, Aztec |
TLALOC | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] |
Tloque Nahauque | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
Tonatiuh | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico] | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) |
Tornarssuk | Inuit (Greenland) | Inuit, Aztec |
Tozi | Aztec (classical Mesoamerica) | Aztec and Hindu |
Tsuki-Yomi | Shinto [Japan] | Shinto |
Tu | Hawaiian, Polynesian | Celtic (Irish) |
Tyche | Greco-Roman | Greco-Roman mythology |
Thirteen Gods of the Underworld | Underworld | Unknown |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Ua-Ildak | Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian) | Mesopotamian |
Ull | Nordic (Icelandic) and Germanic | Prehistoric times until Christianization circa AD 1100 |
Unumbote | Bassari (Togo, West Africa) | Bassari mythology |
Usas | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Utu | Sippar | Sumerian |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Vac | Hindu (Vedic), Buddhist (Mahayana), Roman, Sabine, Pre-Christian Armenian | Hindu, Buddhist, Roman, Sabine, Pre-Christian Armenian |
Vahguru | Sikh | Sikh |
Vajradaka | Zenith paradise | Buddhist (Mahayana) |
Vajrapani | Buddhist (mainly Tibet) | Buddhist (Mahayana) and Lamaist |
VANIR | Nordic (Icelandic) | Norse |
Varuna | India | Hindu (Vedic, Puranic and early Tamil) |
Vayu | Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Nordic | Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Nordic |
Ve’ai | Koryak (southeastern Siberia) | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) |
Vesta | Roman | Roman mythology |
Vidyadevi | India | Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist |
Virabhadra | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hindu |
Visňu | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Visnu | Hindu | Hinduism |
Vitthali | Hindu (Epic and Puranic) | Hinduism |
Vulcanus | Roman | Roman mythology |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Wadjet | Egyptian | Shinto |
Waka-Sa-Na-Me-No-Kami | Japan | Shinto |
Wosret | Egyptian | Egyptian mythology |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Xaya Iccita | Yakut [central Siberia] | Mesoamerican |
Xolotl | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) | Aztec |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Yacacoliuhqui | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) [Mexico], Egyptian | Aztec cosmogony, Egyptian |
Yama | Hindu (Vedic) | Hindu, Buddhist (Vajrayana) |
Yamuna | India (Hindu), Congo (Ngbandi) | Hindu |
Yhwh | Judaic (Israel) | Judaism, Christianity, Islam |
Yoalli Ehecatli | Aztec (classical Mesoamerican) | Aztec |
nameOfGod | region | religion |
Zarpan | Mesopotamia | Mesopotamian |
Zababa | Mesopotamia (Babylonian-Akka-Akkadian) | Mesopotamian (Babylonian) |
Zeus | Greece | Greek mythology |
Zhang Guo-lao | China | Taoist |